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Trump’s Eviction Moratorium Is Only a Stopgap Measure

As many tenant advocates have warned, the administration’s plan is a temporary solution to the country’s bubbling housing challenges, one that won’t necessarily save every family in distress, even during the short term. “It is a stopgap measure. It will not be totally effective. People will definitely fall through the cracks.” – David Dworkin

Feds Move to Stop Evictions Through Year’s End

“There is broad agreement across the housing industry that the only real solution to this crisis is federal rental assistance. For property owners, it is a crushing unfunded mandate that will bankrupt many small businesses. For 43 million renter households, it creates a complicated and opaque maze that those most in need cannot possibly navigate. Congress and the White House must reconvene negotiations on a comprehensive solution immediately. Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin has said, ‘Our first choice is to have bipartisan legislation that allocates specific rental assistance to people hardest hit.’ If there’s that much agreement, then there is no reason to delay any further.” – David M. Dworkin

How Would A Second Trump Term Impact Major Housing Issues?

David Dworkin, CEO of the National Housing Conference, a nonprofit, nonpartisan coalition of national housing leaders from both the public and private sector, says that some municipalities found the AFFH reporting requirements “onerous,” but that instead of tossing out the entire rule, HUD could have made revisions to certain reporting practices.

“I think it’s reasonable to argue how much reporting needs to be done,” Dworkin says. “But Trump has thrown the whole thing in the garbage can.”

How Would A Biden Presidency Impact Housing Policy?

“Anti-discrimination legislation, like ending redlining—which Biden proposes—in housing is crucial. “What Biden is proposing would help millions of Americans. There’s a disturbing element of ‘I’ve got mine, too bad for you.’ Some people say, ‘I put 20% down on the house, why can’t you?’” – David Dworkin

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