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Industry welcomes Marcia Fudge as HUD Secretary

“With her service as a local elected official and mayor of an inner ring suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, and her work behind the scenes at the U.S. Treasury Department, she brings an impressive track record of leading efforts to revitalize communities and advocating for vulnerable populations and underserved communities.” – David M. Dworkin

Outsider emerges as top contender to lead OCC

The OCC needs “someone who can both modernize the Community Reinvestment Act and effectively manage a crisis in interest rates. If you can’t check both of those boxes, you are not qualified to run the OCC.” – David M. Dworkin

Eviction Moratorium Extended Through End of March

“In addition to extended unemployment benefits to provide economic stability to individuals and families, this plan would save millions of renters from eviction and provide much-needed support for mom-and-pop landlords who have gone nearly a year without rental payments.” – David M. Dworkin

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