Housing crisis poses crucial test for Biden administration’s economic plans
“In the next 30 days, there’s no excuse to get this money out. We have the money to pay the rent. We need to get it paid.” – David M. Dworkin
“In the next 30 days, there’s no excuse to get this money out. We have the money to pay the rent. We need to get it paid.” – David M. Dworkin
“There is no person in the U.S. who is more qualified for that job at this time than Julia Gordon. She understands better than almost anyone how important it is to maintain stability of the neighborhood as well as the stability of the homeowner.” – David M. Dworkin
“We used to refer to this as an eviction cliff. I now see it more as a slow-motion car crash.” – David M. Dworkin
“The sweep is a relic of the last mortgage crisis. There’s no question that GSEs need to improve their capital position. Some of their profits should go to capital, but they also need to address real inequities in the housing markets.” – David M. Dworkin
“Whomever the administration selects will likely prioritize affordable housing and access to homeownership instead of the safety and soundness of Fannie and Freddie.” -David M. Dworkin
“This collaborative is made up with people in the private sector who are ready to work with government, we will fight for this with government, but we are not waiting for government. These industry organizations are committed to doing this regardless of what government does because it’s good business, it’s good for the country and because we get it.” – David M. Dworkin
“As long as we have a shortage of supply, housing prices are going to become less and less affordable,” said David Dworkin, president and CEO of the National Housing Conference.” – David M. Dworkin
“David Dworkin, NHC president and CEO — as well as BHC’s executive secretary and marketing co-chair — told National Mortgage News about the 3by30 initiative’s top-level details and described the fight for racial equality as a marathon that not only needs to be trained for, but completed, to be deemed successful.”
“We know that people who own homes have more wealth, but many of today’s Black homebuyers are first-generation buyers and this is because of laws that discriminated against their parents and grandparents. So to people who think this assistance is unfair, we understand that it wasn’t your fault that these laws were made. But if we don’t do something about what happened in the past, that is our fault.” – David M. Dworkin
“The Cleveland event’s speeches will focus on economic justice and closing the racial wealth gap, the HUD official said. Hosts of the event include National Housing Conference, Urban Institute, National Association of Realtors, Mortgage Bankers Association, National Fair Housing Alliance, National Association of Real Estate Brokers and NAACP.”