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Evictions are likely to skyrocket this summer as jobs remain scarce. Black renters will be hard hit.

The moratoriums are a temporary remedy that could lead to a bigger problem for renters asked to quickly catch up on missed payments when the bans lift, said David Dworkin, president of the National Housing Conference, which has called for the creation of a large-scale rental assistance program. “This is a once-in-a-100-year pandemic. It is not unreasonable to expect the government to cover” lost rental income, he said.

OCC Finalizes Community Reinvestment Act Rule Changes

“In a letter from April 8, the National Housing Conference responded to proposed changes to CRA rulemaking, stating that ‘we have no idea how severely the pandemic will impact our economy, the financial system and communities throughout the nation. Committing resources to regulatory initiatives that do not directly support our national response to the COVID-19 pandemic is a dangerous distraction.”

OCC Releases Final CRA Rule

“While some constructive changes have been made to the proposed rule, the fundamental basis of our objections remain intact as the final rule demonstrably guts the purpose and intent of the CRA. In many ways, the rule reduces the clarity and consistency that served as the impetus to modernize CRA in the first place.” – David M. Dworkin

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