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Housing Field Reacts to Marcia Fudge HUD Nomination

“And while Fudge has focused on her role on the Agriculture Committee, she has in fact been a supporter of the HOME program and played a behind-the-scenes role in getting Hardest Hit Funds passed through the Treasury, activities highlighted in a statement by David Dworkin of the National Housing Conference. NHC has been encouraging its members to be vocal about welcoming Rep. Fudge on social media to raise her profile within the housing world.”

Housing industry welcomes Fudge as HUD secretary

“Congresswoman Fudge understands the need to make housing policy work for all communities, urban, suburban and rural. We look forward to supporting her confirmation by the United States Senate and working with her in the days and years to come.” – David M. Dworkin

Who Should Lead Biden’s HUD?

“The reason why so many successful HUD secretaries have been mayors is you have to understand where the money goes when it leaves HUD.” – David M. Dworkin

Affordable housing groups look to Biden to fulfill campaign promises

David Dworkin, president and CEO of the National Housing Conference, applauded Biden’s appointment of two housing industry experts to his transition team.

“On behalf of the National Housing Conference, I would like to congratulate President-elect Biden for moving quickly to appoint Don Graves and Erika Poethig as leaders within the agency review teams…”

How President-Elect Joe Biden Proposes To Change Housing Policies

“Anti-discrimination legislation, like ending redlining—which Biden proposes—in housing is crucial. What Biden is proposing would help millions of Americans. There’s a disturbing element of ‘I’ve got mine, too bad for you.’ Some people say, ‘I put 20% down on the house, why can’t you?’” – David M. Dworkin

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