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Millions of homeowners are now delaying their mortgage payments

“The numbers are big, but are going to get even bigger. We are only two mortgage payments into this crisis, and already 6% of the people paying mortgages are asking for help. Others can’t pay but haven’t asked for help yet. By May, we will have millions more unemployed and unable to pay.” – David M. Dworkin

David M. Dworkin and Chris Jansing on MSNBC

“I think that’s a pretty strong case that Congress and the president need to get together to come up with a solution to this that is more than just kicking the can down the road by saying…” – David M. Dworkin

Regulators ‘full steam ahead’ on CRA reform despite coronavirus pandemic

“Moving forward on CRA modernization now, in the light of this crisis, is breathtakingly irresponsible. I’m as strong a supporter of CRA modernization as anyone — it’s essential — but it has to be done right. And we have no idea what our communites are going to look like a year from now, or what needs they’ll have after this.” – David M. Dworkin

Op-ed: Rent strikes are bad for everyone

“Rent payments are the main source of revenue for property owners, particularly for small and mid-sized ones, who are responsible for paying a property’s monthly mortgage payment and paying essential staff and services that are more important than ever in the midst of this unprecedented public health crisis.”

A look at some financial assistance available during the coronavirus crisis

“David Dworkin, president and CEO of the nonprofit affordable housing advocacy group, the National Housing Conference, told ABC News that the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, also known as Freddie Mac, and the Federal National Mortgage Association, commonly known as Fannie Mae, are encouraging homeowners to contact their mortgage service providers immediately if they’re in financial straits.”

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