Inclusionary Upzoning
This webinar explored this new trend and its potential for tying growth to affordability in places where legal, political, and/or market barriers have historically impeded the adoption of inclusionary housing.
Building Support for Affordable Homeownership and Rental Choices: A Summary of Research on Opinion and Messaging
The webinar covered findings from NHC's review of the housing communications literature, Building Support for Affordable Homeownership and Rental Choices. Viveiros and Clark also shared tips for using the findings in your work.
Housing Landscape 2014: Housing Affordability for Working Households
This webinar shared findings from the annual Housing Landscape report. The presentation included a discussion of national, state, and local housing affordability challenges facing working households since the end of the Recession.
Using American Community Survey Data to Demonstrate Local Housing Needs
This two-hour, hands-on webinar will taught participants how to access and analyze the abundance of housing and population data available from the American Community Survey.
Gaining Community Acceptance for Affordable Housing: Best Practices from Around the U.S.
Highlights from the Center's national review of community acceptance efforts. Included were discussions by MidPen Housing Corporation and DESC about techniques that have helped their organizations build support for affordable rental housing that serves people with low incomes, including those experiencing homelessness.
Housing & Older Adults Webinar: Aging in Every Place
Experts in the area of housing and older adults discussed the housing needs of the growing older adult population, livable communities policies that address the safety and quality of neighborhoods, and programs that combine housing and services to enable aging in place.
Building Support for Affordable Communities: Focusing the Message and Expanding the Base
A discussion of the findings from the Center's report Building Support for Affordable Homeownership and Rental Choices. The report reviews current research on public opinion and effective language and messaging around affordable housing and strategies for effective communication on affordable housing.
Using Paycheck to Paycheck Data to Explore Housing Need in Your Community
This webinar introduced attendees to online the Paycheck to Paycheck database tool in a live demonstration, reviewed key findings from the 2013 Paycheck to Paycheck data and highlighted the housing affordability challenges of travel and tourism workers around the country.