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Opportunities for Affordable Housing and Energy Efficiency in the Clean Power Plan Final Rule

This webinar helped participants about the EPA's final rule for the Clean Power Plan and the potential for new resources for energy efficiency in affordable multifamily housing. The webinar provided an overview of the final rule, a discussion of what the Clean Power Plan means for housing stakeholders and discussion of how people can engage in state planning processes.

Veterans Research and Communications Toolkit

This complimentary webinar taught about the housing and services needs of our changing veteran population with special focus on older veterans, female veterans and post 9/11 veterans. This webinar explored NHC's recent research publication, NHC's veterans housing communications toolkit and a discussion of how to use these tools in your community. This webinar was sponsored by Capital One®.

Portland’s Restorative Justice & Preference Policy

This webinar explored Portland's preference policy for the North/Northeast neighborhood. Panelists walked through the history that led to the preference policy, their outreach strategy, implementation of the policy, and provided perspective from a local resident.

Broadband in Affordable Housing

This webinar explored how public housing agencies are working to implement broadband solutions and close the digital divide.

Budget Forum 2017

Budget Forum 2017 Advocacy and communication strategies for the FY 2018 federal budget process With the White House proposal for $54 billion in cuts to non-defense discretionary programs, federal funding […]

Community land trusts

This webinar explored community land trusts. NHC’s Kaitlyn Snyder shared NHC’s upcoming report on community land trusts. And Staci Horwitz, operations director with the City of Lakes Community Land Trust and Tyler Macmillan, […]

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