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T4 America Town Hall Meeting Discusses Issues Key to the Development of a New National Transporation Policy

NHC and its research affiliate, the Center for Housing Policy, are partners in the Transportation for America (T4 America) Campaign, a national coalition that is focused on charting a new course for America’s transportation policy. Earlier this year, T4 America hosted a “Google Tech Talk” Town Hall Meeting to discuss bold new ideas for a reformed transportation bill. Moderated by Ilana Preuss, outreach and field director for T4 America, and Will Handsfield, a regional organizer for T4 America, the event allowed participants to discuss questions such as:

  • How we will move people and goods more cheaply and protect our environment?
  • What do we need in a national transportation system to compete in the global market?
  • What do we need to get from our homes to our jobs or to school?
  • How do we build a transportation system that helps us reach our climate change goals?

To learn more about the topics covered at the Town Hall Meeting, please view the video below.

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