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Florida landlord says tenants must get COVID-19 vaccine or move out

“When requiring vaccinations for employment, there’s a broad agreement that it serves the health and safety of workers,” Dworkin said. “But in the case of people’s homes, when the rise of the delta variant requires people to both work from home and stay at home more, putting people at risk of losing their home or doubling up with others or becoming homeless is not a responsible public health approach.”

Industry groups react to SCOTUS eviction ruling

“The latest ruling to overturn the CDC’s eviction moratorium makes it all the more important to disburse the funds that have been allocated to communities to provide rent assistance to qualified renters and landlords. For over a year, many apartment owners have covered the expenses and lost rent for renters unable to pay due to the pandemic. Most are small ‘mom and pop’ landlords who depend on rental income to get by. State and local governments must do whatever is necessary to move this historic amount of support or return funds for reallocation to grantees who are successfully getting the money out.” – David M. Dworkin

HUD and FHFA join forces on fair housing enforcement

“The difference in underwriting requirements and borrowing costs, like loan-level price adjustments, may very well have a disparate impact from the broader market, when compared to lenders making loans they hold in portfolio, and we don’t know why that is.” – David M. Dworkin

Fannie Mae Shines Light on ‘Credit-Invisible’ Renters

“The introduction of rent into mortgage considerations is a significant innovation and a major step forward in expanding homeownership opportunities. This will have a material impact on mortgage applicants who are qualified but have been left out of homeownership.” – David M. Dworkin

Fannie Mae Underwriting Changes Work to Bridge Homeownership Gap

“This new procedure will utilize information already available to lenders without adding any burden to homebuyers. By analyzing bank statements that have already been submitted, Fannie Mae’s Desktop Underwriter automated underwriting system will be able to confirm that past rent payments were made on time. When Fannie Mae tested the system on past applicants that were not approved, 17% would have qualified using the new policy. This will have a material impact on mortgage applicants who are qualified but have been left out of homeownership.” – David M. Dworkin

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