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Racial justice isn’t achievable without housing justice

We’re at a crossroads. We can continue with the status quo or we can take steps to ensure all families in our country — including families of color — have access to opportunity. Congress must make significant investments in housing programs, including the first-generation targeted down payment assistance program in the Build Back Better Act.

Group Pushes for Further Duty to Serve Improvements

“Solving our housing affordability crisis requires multiple actions by all levels of government and the private sector, and an invigorated role for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is one of them,” said George W. “Mac” McCarthy, President of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the lead convener of the coalition. “The Underserved Mortgage Markets Coalition seeks to hold Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac accountable and uphold their founding purpose: to bring housing finance opportunities to American families not traditionally served by the private market.”

California, New York fight over shrinking low-income housing aid in Democrats’ bill

Some housing advocates worry that a tax credit, which the consumer wouldn’t get until their next tax bill, would only help those who can already afford to buy a home and would further drive up prices. “We have never figured out how to put that money on the closing table,” said David Dworkin, president and chief executive of the National Housing Conference.

Housing groups to FHFA: Hit pause on Duty to Serve plan

Twenty affordable housing groups teamed up to tell the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) its requirements for the government sponsored enterprises to support manufactured and rural housing, and preserve affordable housing don’t make the grade.

Continuing the Congressional Push for Equitable Housing

“We are on pins and needles as we await some of the decisions being made at the White House,” Chairwoman Waters said at the National Housing Conference event. “There are so many people who work every day, but they cannot afford the high cost of rental housing, and they are simply seeking some help from their government.”

Democrats clash over aid for first-time homebuyers

“A tax credit for all first-time homebuyers is going to expand the racial homeownership gap, because it is essentially increasing homeownership in an environment where people of color already have so many other disadvantages,” said David Dworkin, president and CEO of the National Housing Conference, an affordable housing advocacy group.

Maxine Waters ready to battle over potential cuts to housing aid

“They’re not that expensive, and I don’t understand how you could possibly focus a bill on your highest priorities and not include racial equity,” said David Dworkin, president and CEO of the National Housing Conference. “How do we tell people ‘Sorry, it’s not your bus,’ when everyone knows it’s the last bus?”

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