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Kansas City Uses ARRA Funding To Create a “Green Impact Zone”

Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) plans to use his share of stimulus funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) to perform energy efficient and cost-saving retrofits within a 150 square foot block of his jurisdiction that he calls a “Green Impact Zone.”

Working alongside the Kansas City City Council and the Mid-America Regional Council, Representative Cleaver plans to focus his energy and funding on communities that reside from 39th street to 51st in Kansas City. These neighborhoods are highly concentrated with low-income residents who are experiencing a rising unemployment rate.

By focusing revitalization efforts to a specific zone, Representative Cleaver believes he will be able to make a greater impact with this funding.

An article by Online Journal lists several project ideas that will soon be underway using ARRA funds including:

  • weatherize homes through energy – saving retrofits;
  • provide job training for “green” jobs;
  • improve public transit; and
  • build a green sewer demonstration project

Moreover, this blog post submitted by Representative Cleaver outlines the entire green impact zone project for Kansas City.

This project has been recognized nationally as a promising tool to assist low to moderate – income families in weatherizing their homes and cutting utility costs, while promoting a greener, more “livable” quality of life for all.

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