As a communications director at the National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations (NACEDA), Suzanne Gunther is responsible for the whole spectrum of communications work: event promotion, media relations, brand management and more. NACEDA is an alliance of 45 state and regional community development associations in 28 states and D.C.
On top of all that, Suzanne’s role includes helping the communications staff of NACEDA member associations keep up to date with the latest communications best practices. She organizes training opportunities and recommends resources and trainings by experts in the field.
When Suzanne learned about NHC’s Solutions for Housing Communications convening, she knew it would be the place to see great examples from other housing communicators and connect with her peers in the field. In just two days, she could learn, network and bring back fresh examples and information she could use all year long. She registered herself and recommended the convening to communications staffers at community development associations around the country. Seven communications professionals from the NACEDA network attended.
Suzanne started her Solutions for Housing Communications 2016 experience in New York City with the mobile workshop touring supportive housing developments in the Bronx. “The tour reminded me why I do this work,” she says. “I was truly inspired by the local stories.” She says the marketing and public relations workshop taught her new approaches for framing messages, and provided her with real-life examples of how to use communications techniques like pivoting.
Solutions for Housing Communications gave Suzanne the opportunity to connect with people she would have otherwise never met, gave her new communications approaches she and her members could use and inspired her to keep up the hard work of housing communications. If you’re looking for two days of inspiration and practical advice, then #Solutions2017 is where you want to be!