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How the omnibus will boost multifamily housing bonds

David Dworkin, president and CEO of the National Housing Conference, called the omnibus “the biggest and most important housing legislation in several years.” “Compared to the Trump administration budget, it’s downright dramatic,” Dworkin said. “It’s important because as the home ownership rate has fallen, there’s been increasing pressure on multifamily rental, particularly affordable rental.”

New HUD Budget Could Defund Rental Assistance, Other Programs

“This budget is bad policy and bad politics. It undermines years of public-private investments in housing and community development that have had broad bipartisan support, like the CDFI Fund and block grant funding for neighborhood redevelopment. It even cuts the Capital Magnet Fund and National Housing Trust Fund, which aren’t even paid for by taxpayers.”
– David M. Dworkin

White House Proposes to Slash HUD Programs

“The best thing one can say about this budget is that it is dead on arrival,” says David M. Dworkin, president and CEO of the National Housing Conference, a nonpartisan affordable housing advocacy organization. “This budget is bad policy and bad politics. It undermines years of public-private investments in housing and community development that have had broad bipartisan support, like the CDFI Fund and block grant funding for neighborhood redevelopment. It even cuts the Capital Magnet Fund and National Housing Trust Fund, which aren’t even paid for by taxpayers.”

David Dworkin Named Head of NHC

“I am excited by the opportunity to advance NHC’s mission, and the cause of housing in America,” said Dworkin. “The American home has been under unprecedented threat since the housing crisis. Now more than at any time in recent history, America’s renters and homeowners need NHC and its members to fight for quality affordable housing. I look forward to fulfilling the trust that the NHC board of governors has placed in me.”

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