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Around the Block, Mortgage Miracles Edition

At a Glance Despite a slumbering market, home builder D.R. Horton says its home sales jumped 60% last quarter, according to the NYT.

Mortgage Hail Mary? Does James Pathokoukis know something you don’t know? Maybe that the Obama administration will order Fannie and Freddie to forgive mortgage debt for millions of struggling homeowners this month? Calculated Risk isn’t buying it.

Straightening Out the FHA’s Wallet, cont. The Senate voted unanimously today to let the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) to charge higher fees on new mortgage loans.

Biking Statesman, cont. The NYT’s City Room blog takes a shot at Dan Maes, the Republican candidate for governor in Colorado, for tying bike enthusiasts to UN conspirators.

Foreclosures Hurt, cont. How do you  avoid foreclosure when resources are running out? Finding Superman in your basement could help.

Image: Man of Steel, via

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