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Weekly update from the National Housing Conference
In this issue
January 24, 2021
Issue 90-3
• Housing organizations call for $25 billion in direct assistance to homeowners
• FHFA and HUD extend foreclosure moratoria
• HUD adopts substantive updates to manufactured housing standards
• FHFA seeks input on risks posed by climate change and natural disasters
• White House taps FTC member, student loan ombudsman to head CFPB
• CFPB report spotlights the challenges servicers are facing during the pandemic
• DACA recipients officially eligible for FHA mortgages
• Chart of the week: Unemployed renters are heavily reliant on federal assistance
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Homeowners should not have to pay for their own relief
by David M. Dworkin, NHC President & CEO
Dear Friend,
One of the most important pieces of legislation of the year is about to be introduced in Congress. It is President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan and it includes an additional $25 billion in rental assistance, $5 billion in homelessness prevention and $5 billion in support for utilities. What it does not include is any direct assistance for homeowners – a major oversight – but one that can, and hopefully will, be addressed.
One need look no further than President Biden himself as our most articulate advocate. “I understand that many of my fellow Americans view the future with fear and trepidation,” he said in his Inaugural Address. “I understand they worry about their jobs. I understand, like my dad, they lay in bed at night, staring at the ceiling, wondering: Can I keep my health care? Can I pay my mortgage? Thinking about their families, about what comes next. I promise you,” he said, “I get it.” Never before in American history has a president expressed so clearly and personally the need to help America’s homeowners. And this sentiment wasn’t in his prepared remarks. It was in his heart.
This week, 38 major housing industry, civil rights and community advocacy organizations signed a letter to President Biden in support of $25 billion for the Housing Assistance Fund, which would be modeled on the Hardest Hit Fund, accounting for important lessons learned during the Great Recession. The letter was signed by a group “across the political spectrum” that ranged “from the National Association of REALTORS® and the Mortgage Bankers Association on the industry side to the National Urban League and the National Community Reinvestment Coalition on the advocacy side,” Politico noted. Other signers included Habitat for Humanity International and the Housing Policy Council, whose members include JPMorgan Chase & Co., Wells Fargo and Quicken Loans.
One reason that this assistance is so important is because there are currently 3.8 million homeowners who are past due on their mortgage, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey data for the period spanning Dec. 9 through Dec. 21 indicates that over half of these homeowners are people of color. One in five Hispanics and nearly a quarter of all Black mortgage holders reported being late on their mortgage.
The letter was drafted by the Black Homeownership Collaborative’s steering committee. As we said in the letter, the Collaborative and its stakeholders “are committed to increasing homeownership rates for all people of color and closing the homeownership gap, but we cannot do so when we continue to lose more homeowners to COVID-19-related financial hardships.”
In combination with the additional funds for rental assistance, this money will go a long way to keeping housing markets healthy and stable. Some have asked why we need money for homeowner assistance when homeowners have access to mortgage forbearance with the possibility of deferring missed payments to the end of their mortgage term. It’s a reasonable question. The answer is simple. Homeowners should not have to pay for their own relief. And while some neighborhoods have seen home values rise over the past year, most vulnerable homeowners have seen their values remain flat or fall.
Proposing isn’t passing, and that’s where all of us have a lot of work to do. This weekend, President Biden’s National Economic Council Director Brian Deese is reportedly meeting with a bipartisan group of Senators known as the “ Sweet Sixteen.” Preaching to our own choir isn’t going to convert anyone, so all of us need to reach out to Republican Senators, their staffs and their influential supporters to make the case for providing help now. They should be reminded that most of the people who lost their homes during the Great Recession lost them after 2009.
We have a unique opportunity to avoid a disaster before it happens, and save many more billions of dollars in the cost of cleaning it up if we don’t act. There will be much debate over many aspects of how to respond to the pandemic recession, but there should be broad bipartisan support for housing. Our own work demonstrates the ability to reach across traditional lines. It’s time to help Congress do the same.
FHFA seeks input on risks posed by climate change and natural disasters
Citing “a growing body of research” examining the risks posed by climate change and natural disasters to the economy and the U.S. housing market, FHFA issued a Request for Input (RFI) on how to best identify and assess future risk, and enhance supervision.
“Natural disasters can adversely affect the regulated entities. Historically, the ability to assess the scale, timing, location, and impact of such risks has been limited. Today's RFI will help FHFA better understand and address the regulated entities' exposure to climate and natural disaster risk," said FHFA Director Calabria.
According to the latest research, the number of affordable housing units at risk of coastal flooding and sea level rise is expected to triple by 2050. The affordable housing stock in New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts is particularly vulnerable. To mitigate future risks, FHFA has solicited feedback on more than two dozen questions, including how to define climate and natural disaster risk, what risks to prioritize, alternative risk mitigation strategies and how to best support minority and low-income households. Responses are due by April 19.
FHFA and HUD extend foreclosure moratoria
This week, both the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) extended moratoria in place to prevent foreclosures and evictions of households experiencing financial hardship as a result of COVID-19. Mortgagee Letter 2021-03 extends the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) moratorium on foreclosures of single-family mortgages through March 31. The moratorium was previously set to expire on Feb. 28. “Immediately safeguarding borrowers with HUD-insured or guaranteed mortgages is an important first step in tackling larger, systemic housing challenges that must be overcome,” said Acting Federal Housing Commissioner Janet Golrick.
FHFA similarly extended its moratorium on single-family foreclosures and evictions of residents of real estate owned properties from its previous expiration of Jan. 31 through Feb. 28. “To keep our communities safe, and families in their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic, FHFA is extending Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's foreclosure and eviction moratorium," said FHFA Director Mark Calabria.
HUD adopts substantive updates to manufactured housing standards
The amendments, which take effect on March 15, include eliminating approval requirements for certain alternative construction features, carbon monoxide alarm requirements, updates to allow for “optimal use of manufactured housing in urban areas,” new provisions for garages and carports, and new design requirements for attached manufactured homes.
According to HUD, the changes “are designed to eliminate outdated regulatory barriers that have been an impediment to expanding the availability of this affordable housing type while protecting the safety of manufactured housing.”
NHC welcomes new members!
Riparian Capital Partners pursues mission-aligned transactions with compelling financial returns, focusing primarily on market rate workforce housing with an emphasis on underserved “food desert” communities.
White House taps FTC member, student loan ombudsman to head CFPB
CFPB report spotlights the challenges servicers are facing during the pandemic
The CFPB published a special edition of its Supervisory Highlights that summarizes supervisory findings and consumer issues during the pandemic. COVID-19 “deeply impacted consumers,” the report explains. “With large income losses, many households struggled to meet their credit obligations. In the early days of the pandemic, consumer requests for accommodations skyrocketed.”
Mortgage servicers similarly “faced a number of significant challenges,” the CFPB found. As they worked to quickly enroll consumers in forbearance programs, servicers reported operational and resource limitations and general service disruptions, forcing many organizations to reallocate staff from other areas of the business to manage forbearance requests.
In this turbulent environment, the CFPB reports some servicers’ actions may have resulted in risk to consumers. CFPB examiners found instances of servicers providing incomplete or inaccurate forbearance information to consumers, failing to process forbearance requests on time, and enrolling borrowers in automatic or unwanted forbearances. Examiners observed additional loss mitigation process deficiencies; “the risks to consumers from these issues include missed opportunities to pursue and enroll in appropriate repayment options or plans.”
DACA recipients officially eligible for FHA mortgages
HUD issued a waiver affirming Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program recipients’ eligibility to apply for FHA mortgages, recognizing that these individuals are “legally permitted to work in the U.S.” and therefore “eligible to apply for mortgages backed by the FHA.”
FHA INFO #21-04, which became effective immediately on Jan. 19, waives the FHA Single Family Housing Handbook provision that stipulates that non-U.S. citizens without lawful U.S. residency are not eligible for FHA-insured mortgages. “To avoid confusion and provide needed clarity to HUD’s lending partners, FHA is waiving the [applicable section] in its entirety,” HUD explained. “In a subsequent update to the FHA Handbook the language will be removed.”
Incoming Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said the recent waiver “confirmed what we all know should have been true all along – that DACA recipients are fully eligible for FHA loans.”
Chart of the week: Unemployed renters are heavily reliant on federal assistance
New research from Zillow tracks the impact of federal unemployment assistance on reducing unemployed renters’ housing cost burden. According to Zillow, “This rollercoaster ride is a clear demonstration of just how much of a difference even modest amounts of federal assistance can mean to struggling renters.”
More than 60% of working-age renter households cannot afford a basic standard of living, Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies finds in a new paper titled, “The rent eats first: rental housing unaffordability in the US.” Roughly one in four renter households surveyed in the study spent more than half their income on rent alone. Harvard examined potential policy interventions, including universal affordable housing, healthcare subsidies and reduced food costs, but found that policy approaches that combine housing and transportation affordability would be the most effective in reducing cost burden.
A new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research examines the use of government-backed and private forbearance programs during COVID-19. Forecasting the current forbearance rate, the study suggests that more than 60 million households will miss an estimated $70 billion in mortgage payments by the end of the first quarter. “Debt relief reached its intended target, since forbearance rates are higher in regions with the highest COVID-19 infection rates and the greatest local economic deterioration,” the study concludes. The researchers underscore the central role forbearance continues to play in supporting distressed homeowners.
In a new post for Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies’ blog Housing Perspectives, former Freddie Mac CEO Don Layton analyzes the recent amendments to the GSEs’ Preferred Stock Purchase Agreements and their policy implications. Layton notes that “Treasury is still not fully engaged in preparing to end the conservatorships” and that FHFA Director Calabria’s push for a near-term exit from conservatorship, “well before full GSE capitalization, is dead.”
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The National Housing Conference has been defending the American Home since 1931. We believe everyone in America should have equal opportunity to live in a quality, affordable home in a thriving community. NHC convenes and collaborates with our diverse membership and the broader housing and community development sectors to advance our policy, research and communications initiatives to effect positive change at the federal, state and local levels. Politically diverse and nonpartisan, NHC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Defending our American Home since 1931
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